Congratulations on embarking on this journey! I look forward to working together and supporting you in achieving whatever it is you really want in life. This document is designed to help you understand the nature of coaching and how to get the most from our partnership.
What is coaching?
Simply stated…
Coaching is a relationship, totally and completely in support of YOU.
Coaching is your own, personally tailored and 100% confidential support system founded on a commitment to see you accomplish whatever you set out to achieve.
By caring and listening as well as by utilizing great tools and techniques, your coach will help you realize better results – taking you from merely ‘wishing’ to ‘achieving’.
Coaching is a safe environment that allows you to become more aware of your life. Through weekly coaching sessions, you identify what is and what is not important to you and then begin to align your thoughts, words, and actions accordingly.
As your coach, I work with you to identify what you want personally and professionally,
create a vision for your life
and take actions to make that vision a reality. All of this, in support of your commitment to living a fulfilling life – one that you really want and love.
Having a life you love starts with getting clear on your values
when you honor them in your actions and choices, you naturally become more fulfilled and alive.
for any given situation there are many possible perspectives to take.
Choosing empowering perspectives requires you to look at what limiting perspective you are accepting as ‘truth’ and then exploring alternative ones.
Personal and Professional Coaching is quickly becoming one of the leading tools that successful people use to live extraordinary lives. A commitment to coaching brings more balance, joy, intimacy, energy, abundance, focus, and action in every area of life.
How Is Coaching Different From Therapy?
Therapy goes into depth about various issues, usually dealing with the past while Coaching is about looking at what’s possible. Coaching is action-oriented and focuses primarily on the present and future. Although at times I might offer insights, as your coach I enable you to determine your own answers through the work done in our coaching partnership.
Who Works With A Coach?
Entrepreneurs, business owners, professionals, and people in transition are some of the people who typically work with a coach. Regardless of their profession, all my clients have one thing in common: they are successful, resourceful, and intelligent individuals who want to get even more out of their lives. What professional athlete hasn’t used a coach to win? Tiger Woods is already one of the best, and yet he understands the value that comes from having someone work directly with him, someone to point out things he can’t see, someone to keep encouraging and challenging him to achieve his greatest potential. That’s who I am for you.
Benefits Of Working With A Professional Coach
Coaching is proven to work when two factors are present:
The client is willing to learn, grow, and take action.
There is a gap between where he/she is now and where he/she wants to be.
That’s all that is necessary for a successful coaching relationship. It's all you need to develop the right strategy, implement a plan of action, and achieve your goals. Anything is possible within our coaching relationship.
With A Coach You Can:
Take More, Better, and Smarter Actions. Our first task together is to find out exactly what you really want for yourself. Once you create objectives that are clearly in line with your personal values and professional vision, you are much more likely to take action to reach them naturally and consistently.
Have A Balanced Life, Which Works Well. Professional success is maximized when you enjoy a sense of personal fulfillment and life balance. We will discuss how to be selfish yet responsible, and how to carve out enough time so your life outside of work is exactly the way you want it to be.
Make Better Decisions. I will help you become focused as you share ideas with me. I will understand you and be subjective enough to want a lot for you, yet objective enough not to be biased or self-serving. You’ll also find that just talking about your options with someone who really listens is often enough to clarify things.
Reach For More — Much More. When you have a partner you trust, you will reach for much more because you can afford to. As your partner, I will help you to see where you are selling yourself short and illuminate for you what you are capable of. My holding you bigger than you hold yourself it will encourage you to take your life wherever you want it to go.
Make And Keep More Money. Most people are worth a lot more than they are making. Are you happy with your financial situation? If not, we can look at your beliefs about money and address whatever is keeping you from experiencing financial abundance.
Have More Sustainable Energy. Together we will identify the things that drain your energy, and we'll create a long-term strategy to eliminate them. In addition, we’ll focus on the things that give you energy, and explore how to maximize their impact. When you're happy, productive, and free from tolerations and problems, life is a lot more fun!
How I Coach Clients
As your coach, I will inquire, encourage, advise, challenge, make requests, listen for what you’re really saying and reflect that back to you. As you see yourself in this new and honest way, it will help you to remain aligned with who you are, your goals, your values, and your vision. Our focus will be completely on you and what you want in life; I stand for you first and foremost, not just your goals. The coaching relationship is designed by both of us and may be refined through ongoing two-way feedback. Even though we are committed to the journey, ultimately, you will be responsible for actions taken (or not taken) in your life throughout the process.
I Expect Your Commitment. We should only be working together if you are ready to do and be your best. If you are not doing your best, I will ask you to do so. You will never be judged in the event that you are not able to be your best at any given moment. Together we will explore what is getting in the way and help clear the way to get you back on your path.
I Make Specific Requests. From time to time, I will make direct requests, such as "Will you accomplish X by the end of the month?” You may accept the request, counter-offer (e.g.: “I can’t do X, but I can do Y”), or decline (rare). I will always support you, whichever way you respond.
I Give Advice. When I am sure of the situation, and you are open to it, I will make specific suggestions on how to handle a problem or go for an opportunity. If I am not sure, I will say so. Regardless, I will trust you to use the best of what we say and to use your own judgment.
I am Direct. When I hear a funny tone in your voice or notice something amiss, I will ask you about it. Often, it is these small moments that offer the chance to resolve something. However, I will not confront you; I will merely invite you to take a closer look.
I Give Homework. Typically, I will ask you to determine two or three goals or actions to focus on between our calls. If I am pushing you too much, say so. If you want to be pushed harder, just ask.
I am Here for You. I want to hear it all. If you have a personal problem, are upset with something (even if it's us or the coaching), if you are just starting to realize something big, or can't wait to share a breakthrough, please call or e-mail me — anytime.
How To Get The Most From Coaching
I want you to benefit greatly from our coaching calls and the time in between calls. This guide briefly outlines some of the things you can do to maximize the value of your coaching experience.
Focus On What You Really Want. Coaching works best when you have clear goals that are based on your true values. First, I encourage you to deeply consider what you want your life to look like. Then, identify the gaps between the way things are now and how you would like them to be. Many people struggle with this, so if you are unsure about what it is you really want to achieve, coaching is an excellent tool that can provide you with greater clarity.
Get To Know Yourself Newly. Working with a sensitive and empathic coach is a healthy way to grow. Most clients hire a coach to work on specific goals, and much of the time focus on these objectives. Yet, with coaching, many clients discover new parts of them and find they can adjust their goals to be more in alignment with who they really are. This discovery process is natural, and you do not need to concentrate on it, just realize it will likely happen. Accelerated personal and professional growth is the hallmark of coaching.
Double Your Level Of Willingness. Part of working with me as your coach is that I will ask a lot of you. Not too much I hope, but perhaps more than you may have been asked recently. I request that you be willing to experiment with fresh approaches and try new beliefs. I will invite you to tell the absolute truth, raise your personal standards, and set higher goals. Ultimately, you need to decide what is best for you; however, the more willing you are to grow, the greater the benefits from coaching.
Come Prepared To Each Coaching Call. To get the most value out of the coaching session, please make sure that your environment supports you being present. Minimize distractions and always have something to write with so that you can capture ideas and thoughts as they come up.
Do Your Homework. Each week you will decide on the actions or goals on which you want to focus. I will work with you to make sure you are setting worthwhile, realistic, and achievable objectives, and if I know that a busy week is ahead, your homework might be as simple as thinking about a new perspective. If you have more time, you might decide to handle a bigger task. Regardless, I will hold you accountable and encourage you to do your best.
Are you ready for the challenge of
Living Fully?
Getting Started:
Your willingness to be coached implies your desire to make significant changes in your life. These changes will sometimes happen fast and at other times may take longer. Because change happens over time, you need to make a minimum four-month commitment to the coaching process. This allows the coaching relationship to develop and be powerful, and when the going gets tough it keeps us in collaboration as we work through to the other side. As your coach, you have my word that I am 100% committed to you being powerful, successful, and to have the life you want.
Our initial appointment will become the basis for our coaching relationship. We will be designing our alliance - how you want me to coach you and what tools and structures I can offer. This is when you will share who you are and what you wish to bring into your life.
I have selected each item on this list specifically for you. Periodically I will ask that you complete other assessments and forms, as needed. With this in mind, please complete all items prior to our first coaching session and return them to me.
Relax and spend some quiet time with the reading and questions. This isn’t meant to be a homework assignment. There are no ‘right’ answers or ‘wrong’ answers. There are no ‘right thoughts’ or ‘wrong thoughts’. Just relax and let the answers come to you from your heart.
I invite you to have fun and enjoy your coaching sessions with me as we work together. As you’ll see, my job is to listen, advise, champion, and give you new tools to assist you in reaching your goals faster. Our process will begin by me asking you to become more aware of who you are and how you operate.
NOTICE! Notice what happens when you take a particular action. Notice how you are being when you don’t. What I want for you is to become acutely aware of who you are being and what you are doing in each of your relationships. While you’ll need to apply yourself, this entire coaching process can become a source of inspiration, joy, and pleasure for you.
To your success!
I look forward to our journey together….
Coaching Client Procedures & Policies
Welcome as a client! I look forward to coaching you to accomplish what you really want in life. As we begin our work together, it’s important that you are familiar with the following policies and procedures. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to call me any time.
Coaching Logistics:
The base coaching is three 50-60 minute phone sessions per month supplemented by e-mail coaching at no extra charge, and ‘power coaching’ calls in the interim when needed. You take on as much homework/home play as you choose, and most of the learning/growth/action happens between the calls.
I will ask you to identify what you will accomplish between one session and the next. If the suggested actions are too much, just say so. If you want to achieve more, just ask. Remember, I expect you to do what you say you’ll do – if something comes up, you agree to renegotiate with me rather than get to the next session with items not complete.
From time to time, I will also make direct requests, such as “Will you accomplish X by the end of the week?”. Please feel free to accept, counter-offer, or decline.
I love referrals! A referral coming from you feels like an acknowledgment that I’m doing a great job and is much more rewarding than a client from the internet. If you know someone who could use a coach, simply refer him or her to http://www.elenazanfei.com to request a complimentary consultation and have them mention your name. For a referral who becomes a client, I offer $150.00 to you as a thank you.
I am committed to assisting you in successfully completing your program and offer this conditional guarantee:
If, once you have received your welcome pack and completed your first coaching session, you do not feel completely sure that you have made the right decision; I will cheerfully refund your money in full.
In addition, if you can demonstrate that you have completed all assignments (written and otherwise), attended all coaching sessions, and are unsatisfied with your results, you may be refunded up to 100% of your enrollment fee. Note: Specific monetary results cannot be guaranteed.
You will call into the conference line (978-990-5178 and enter Access Code 6341506#) at our specified time each week (or we can choose to meet by zoom). If you choose to meet by zoom, I will send you the zoom link prior to our meeting.
For your benefit, our sessions can be recorded for you to re-listen to them at a later time. I will ask for your authorization to do so prior to the calls. In between sessions, you may reach me on my cell phone at 708-560-4743 or in my office at 219-437-4022. If you would prefer a video conference, I can accommodate that and will provide the zoom link prior to our first meeting
Please make your coaching a priority; after all, we are working on the things YOU have said are most important to you. Sessions don’t carry over to the following week and are not cancelable. However, if the need arises, please give me at least a 24-hour notice and I will offer you another time slot within my standard coaching hours in the same week (if available). If you have an emergency, we can reschedule. Missed sessions without prior notice, by phone (not e-mail), are forfeited. If you go on an extended trip, you can either call from where you will be during our scheduled time, or I will call you at a prearranged number.
LIABILITY: The client understands these sessions are consultative in nature and that any actions and decisions made by the client are solely the responsibility of the client. The coach shall in no way be held liable or responsible for any actions taken, or not taken, by the client. The coach makes no guarantees or warranties, expressed or implied, about any results to be achieved. This agreement shall be construed under the laws of the state of Colorado.
I understand this agreement and by signing below, I agree to comply.
________________________________________ ____________________
Client Date
By signing above, you agree to keep your agreements, to regard our appointment time frames with respect, and to keep the coach informed as to what is needed to keep you moving forward. Our signatures on this agreement indicate full understanding and agreement with the information outlined above.
What To Talk About With Your Coach During Your Session:
Because the coaching relationship is unique, it helps to know what is best to talk about during your call or meeting.
How you are feeling about yourself- good stuff and bad stuff
How you are looking at your life
How you are feeling about others
What has occurred to you since the last call
Breakthroughs and insights
Any new choices or decisions made
Personal news
Progress report on your goals, projects, and activities
What you’ve done that you are proud of?
What you are coming up against?
Where you are stuck?
Where you are wondering about something?
A distinction
A plan of action
A strategy or advice
What is the next goal or project to take on?
What is the next goal or distinction to get?
What do you want for yourself next?
And the Journey begins……