Let's face it, in a perfect world we would all have peace, confidence, success, excitement, happiness, and experience the true meaning in life.
But we all know, not everyone experiences that right?
This is the HARSH reality
your EGO, a silent and covert saboteur, lurks within, cunningly orchestrating disempowering and constraining patterns that relentlessly echo across every facet of life: from your pursuit of success, wealth, and health to the very depths of your heart's longing for love.
And even with
all the BOOKS you've read, counseling you've had, workshops and seminars you have attended, affirmations you've tried, quotes and positive thinking you've used,
even with ALL of that...
You're Still
For years, I pushed myself harder than anyone, working insane hours to meet crazy expectations and deadlines due to 28 years of past abuse that left me beaten down and feeling worthless. I tried and tried to create my worth from the outside. Despite reading extensively, attending workshops, going through therapy, and delving into self-help books and every modality I could find, I couldn't heal the wounds and lacked a life I loved.
Things worsened as I lost my 17-year relationship, security, home, the dogs I loved and even my mother all within a six-month period. I could not focus on anything, my business came to a screeching halt, and I found myself crying in the fetal position where I had spent much of my childhood and teenage years. Even as a life coach, I hit rock bottom, unable to focus, and found myself in a familiar, painful place.
After a year of grieving, I went deeper and experienced profound transformation as I learned how to find true self-worth, love, and inner value, leading to a profound shift in mindset and heart-centered living.
I now empower women to find their self-worth and peace through my Life Mastery Blueprint, helping them achieve a quiet mind and to reach their dreams by living from their heart.
It's what every woman wants - to know she's worthy of every dream placed on her heart and to love herself at the deepest level of her soul. To allow inner peace to wash over the push-and-pull of the drive to succeed and to become the very being that attracts all she desires to herself.
So, Let's show your EGO, its FEAR and SELF-DOUBT
the door OUT of your life.
Allow me to HELP you ACTIVATE your INNER HERO
(that strength, clarity & competence given you at birth but lost over time)
so you naturally and easily create
inner peace, success and joy.
Are you ready to unlock your extraordinary potential and finally realize a life filled with purpose, passion, joy and fulfillment?
BECAUSE if you...
Feel insecure, doubt yourself, and hold back from your TRUE potential...
Feel unfulfilled, question if you have what it takes, and wonder if there's something wrong with you even if you've had massive success in the past...
Push yourself to do more, work more, and try harder, only to feel completely drained and deflated.
Are you stuck, going through the motions, unsure of what you want or need...
- Feel alone with no one to understand you or provide any reassurance...
- Are anxious, afraid, reactive, and sometimes you can't get to sleep...
Feel secure, trust yourself, and live from your TRUE potential.
Be fulfilled in every area of your life.
Have healthy boundaries that leave you feeling balanced with time for work, time for play, and time for yourself.
Be at peace and know that everything is just as it should be.
Trust your ideas and know what needs your attention.
Feel confident you are on the right path and taking the proper steps.
Feel fully alive, present to life, and know you have what you need.
- Feel supported, seen, understood, and reassured.
- Be at peace with life, trusting your path so much that you fall quickly asleep every night.
I'll help you reclaim your inner AWESOMENESS in a simple 3-step plan
You Discover the faulty programming.
Because your beliefs are running the show and may be disempowering you.
You Rewire & upgrade your mindset.
Because when you learn the truth, your thoughts will transform and empower you.
You Create & execute a new plan for success.
Because new beliefs yield new actions and new actions yield better results.
Eliminated worry
Crushed self-doubt
Deepened self-love
Increased Abundance
Here's what a FEW CLIENTS have said about
working with me
Dr. Mercedes Rundle
Clinical Psychologist
"One of most effective & profound coaching experiences of my life. Elena opened the door to my heart & and my purpose and direction..."
Dr. Shannon Chidlow
"Elena helped me completely change my life, be real and present. She saw more in me than I saw in myself. ALL areas of my life have improved... I am finding more balance and peace in my life."
a Customized Plan
because you are uniquely special
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Remember, Success is only 20% skill and 80% MINDSET!